Argon HPC Expansion Status
- The hardware arrived and was installed in Mid-May and we have been working to integrate the systems into Argon. We have encountered some challenges during that process and are working with the vendor to address as quickly as possible.
- We do not have a firm date for the integration of new resources, but we hope to have the systems available in early July. We will send out communication when we have a more clear date. We apologize for the delay.
- We will be reaching out to investors to gather information on new hardware queue assignments in preparation, so, stay tuned.
As a reminder, this expansion includes several additional UI resources:
- Additional rental resources will be available to the community. These are still subject to availability.
- Addition of more resources in: UI-HM, UI-GPU, and UI queues (9728 total slots).
- 71 GPUs added (A100, L40, A40 and L4).
- UI-MPI will be refreshed and increase from 1400 to 3072 slots.
- UI-Develop will be refreshed and includes GPU resources (A40)