Open Folder with Paperclip

Large Scale Storage (LSS)

Storage available from high-performance computing (HPC) systems, including Argon and the Interactive Data Analytics Service (IDAS)

Open Folder

Research Data Storage Service (RDSS)

Storage that is highly available but not accessible by high-performance computing systems


Research Data Collaboration Service (RDCS)

RDCS enables researchers at the University of Iowa (UI) to share data with internal and external collaborators. Globus is the platform that UI is currently using for high-speed data transfer

Medical Folder

Iowa Health Data Resource (IHDR)

The Iowa Health Data Resource (IHDR) Data Enclave is a secure storage service that allows researchers to analyze data from University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics on the high-performance computing systems:  Argon and Interactive Data Analytics Service (IDAS)

Which Service is Right for Your Data?

A chart comparing storage services




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Additional Resources

In-depth Comparison of Storage Services

Data Classification Guide to IT Services